You know what’s scary?
Living in a world where everyone knows more than you do! And you believe them!
The other day my four year-old grandson said,
“Grandma you can’t fast forward when there’s that circle with the line through it.”
O.K., he was right but he’s a digital native!
It happens all the time. I thought this would stop in adulthood, but it hasn’t.
The other day, a friend said to me,
“Sunny, you need to use your basil! It’s going to flower and then it will be too mature to use.”
Looking at the tall “pizza and salsa” greenery planted in three large terracotta patio pots I agreed.
I remembered Jean’s admonishment the next day as I rummaged for a quick supper. Yes, I had olive oil, pine nuts garlic, Parmesan cheese and….fresh basil! I harvested my basil. And “Presto”, it was "Pesto" for dinner. My husband thought it was great and about an hour later I agreed, “The pesto was yummy!”
Another friend Kelly, a Master Gardener dropped by the next day. Pridefully pointing out my patio pots I mentioned the delicious pesto I made from the embarrassed bare-naked basil plants the night before.
“Sunny,” she said stifling a snicker. “What you made was Pepper Pesto—those are pepper plants!”
I did what anybody would do………..I googled!
The consensus: pepper plant leaves are indeed, edible.
I have to run. The Master Gardener is coming back for dinner, tonight! I have to find an unripe papaya for the "Filipino Tinola" I'm making.
My cupboards are full but my pepper plants are now all bare!
I will let you know how it goes!
Chicken Tinola with Chili Pepper Leaves and Green Papaya
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 small onion, finely chopped
2 Tablespoons chopped ginger
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
1 (3-pound) chicken, cut into serving-size pieces
2 Tablespoons fish sauce
1 green papaya, peeled and cubed
1 Tablespoon salt, or to taste
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper, or to taste
11/2 Cups chili peeper leaves
Using a wok or Dutch oven, sauté the garlic, onion, and ginger in the oil 1 to 2 minutes, or until the onion is translucent. Add the chicken and sauté for 8-10 minutes, or until browned. Add the fish sauce and 4 cups of water. Bring to a boil. Lower the heat, cover and simmer for 30-35 minutes, or until the chicken is tender.
Add the papaya and simmer for 5 minutes, or until tender. Add the salt, pepper, and the chili pepper leaves. Cover and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes, or until the leaves are wilted. Serve hot.
From Fine Filipino Food by Karen Hulene Bartell
P.S. Substitute spinach leaves if you don’t have any chili pepper leaves.
Please tell me what you're thinking---everyone else does and you're probably right!