Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Sacred Seven Oil Skin Cleanser and Conditioner Recipe

I don't know where this recipe came from but it is an old collection of recipes I inherited. The side note says, "Years ago Gayelord Hauser began to use a seven oil mixture at his famous beauty farm. The following recipe is similar if not exactly like it.

This week a group of us girls each brought a bottle of the oil listed below and had a great time mixing up a big batch and then divided it up. This brought the cost and the inconvenience of the project down to manageable. We had a great time and our skin feels hydrated and soft.


Combe 2 T. each of safflower oil and sesame oil, 1 T. each of sunflower seed oil, avocado oil and peanut oil, 11/2 t. each of olive oil and wheat germ oil, and six drops oil of your favorite fagrance. I use lemon verbena. Mix in blender or jar.

Wheat germ oil is rich in vitamin E, which makes it particularly good at retarding wrinkles and healing scars.


Bath Salts---This smells and feels so good! Great for gifts!

1/3 C. Borax
1/2 C. Potassium Carbonate
1/2 C. Almond meal
1 t. oil of cinnamon
1 t. oil of eucalyptus

Let me know if you give this a try and how it works for you!

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